Chemically Free Products, Scrubs, Vegan Products

Derma E Micodermabrasion Scrub

2013070315162697967_medThis month’s glam bag came chock full of moisturizers and other facial scrubs and peels. Although I use a scrub once a week or so on my face, I have never used a microdermabrasion. I was excited to try Derma E Micodermabrashion Scrub.  I went online to learn more about the company and product since it was a new name to me. Imagine my surprise when I learned this company only used natural ingredients in their products! I always love chemically-free products! Kudos Derma E.

So this microdermabrasion scrub is loaded with great ingredients including sea salt, lime and lemon peel and Vitamin E.  I used a small amount to start and that’s all I really needed to scrub my whole face.  It’s definitely a strong scrub! I was a little concerned that this would irritate my sensitive rosacea skin, but it just made me a little red, nothing more. I scrubbed very gently for a minute per the instructions. My face felt awesome! I do scrub once or twice a week, but my scrubs are nothing like Derma E’s scrub. On Derma E’s website they also mention you can use this scrub for rough areas on your body. I will definitely be trying that! The price point for the scrub is pretty decent compared to other products out there.

I will definitely continue to use the sample that came in my May Glam Bag. I probably wouldn’t spend the money on the microdermabrasion scrub only because I would prefer to spend my money on makeup products.

Derma E’s Microdermabrasion Scrub gets two paws up!